FENOM is a 21st century development in science of lubrication, friction and wear. FENOM dramatically reduces wear intensity of the rubbing surfaces and actually increases reliability and resource of the units and mechanisms. FENOM is a tribochemical synthetic multifunctional (MF) metal conditioner. FENOM actualizes a ``smart`` technology FENOM MAKES FRICTION PROCESS not destructive but CREATIVE! FENOM has an unique ability to utilize the products of a wear process (oil destruction products and wore metal particles) and to use it for recovery of damaged metal surface in friction area. FENOM also forms a special extra protection layer-like structure on rubbing surfaces. This structure consists of atomic pure iron and carbon in a diamonde state. As a result metal surfaces come into contact through the soft sub-micron-size structure. It enhances ductile and elastic properties, the optimal roughness and hardness of the metal surface that lead to a radical reduction of wear intensity. Thus rubbing surfaces will undergo to elastic deformations without damage to each other. The carbon in a diamond-like state increases ultimate load threshold. Friction, scoring and pitting probability decline, too. BENEFITS: Reduce friction, wear and tear Increases horsepower and torque Improves fuel efficiency Reduces noise and vibration Reduces emissions Relieves the cold start Provides stable antiwear effect in the event lubrication is lost Increases lifespan Saves money
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