Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimco.cn the normal dimn.org.cn behalf may have any unilateral communication with the Panel All communications between a Party and the Panel or the Provider shall be made to a case administrator appoi
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dnet.org.cn a Party dimc.org.cN begin with the first working day after the holidays All legal holidays within the time limit shall be counted If the expiring date is a legal holidayit shall be extende
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimc.org.cn working day dnet.org.cn before enforcing the decision, shall wait calendar days calculating from the date on which the decision is published If during such waiting period the Respondent su
Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimn.org.cn the Panel dimco.cn as it considers appropriate.In the event of multiple disputes between the parties, either party may petition to consolidate the disputes before a single Panel This petit
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimc.org.cn Design Services dnet.org.cn Domain Name is an integral part of the Domain Names System of China. MII shall encourage and support the technical research, gradual spreading and application o
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimn.org.cn Online Marketing dimco.cn requirements:It shall have corresponding funds and professional personnel; It shall have the environment and technical capabilities of guaranteeing the reliable d
Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimco.cn SSL Certificates dimn.org.cn applies for setting up DNS root server or engages in running any DNS root server shall submit the following documents to MII:The general information of the applic
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dnet.org.cn Web Hosting dimc.org.cn be approved by MII. Any organization that applies for running Domain Name Registry shall meet the following requirements:It shall set up top level dnet.org.cn DIM N
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Dim Net Co., Ltd
dimc.org.cn Ecommerce dnet.org.cn performance and experiences in conducting the Internet domain name related businesses; It shall have the credit standing and ability of providing services in a long-t