Le Chatelier Mould Apparatus
Le Chatelier Moulds
Le Chatelier Mould Apparatus
The mould consists of a spring tensioned split sylinger 30 mm internal diameter ×30mm high with two indicator stems which measyres 165 mm from
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Light-duty dynamic cone penetrometer
Light-duty dynamic cone penetrometer is to use a hammer kinetic energy to the foundation soil engineering geological evaluation.
Technical parameters:
Rammer weight: 10kg±10g
Drop height: 50
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low temperature LCD asphalt extensometer
LYY-7A low temperature LCD asphalt extensometerused for various types and liquid tar distillation residue and bitumen emulsion evaporation residue after the material such as an extension of degrees.St
Manual soil relative density meter
Manual soil relative density meter
Purpose: the purpose of the test instrument is to calculate the maximum and minimum of cohesive soil porosity, and used to calculate the relative density
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marshall electrical striking instrument
MDJ-IIC marshall electrical striking instrument(dual purpose) is used for sample molding during the experiment process of asphalt with mixing materials. It is applicable for mechanics experiment,
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Measurer for asphalt content by burning
HYRS-6 Measurer for asphalt content by burningUsed to determine asphalt content.Standard:JTG E20-2011Technical parameters:1.Maximum weight of test sample: 4000g,The recommended sample weight:1000-- 15
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Mild Steel Cube Moulds
Mild Steel Cube Moulds We provide wide range of high quality concrete specimens mould such as cube, cylinder & beam with difference kind of size. Mould material such as HEAVY DUTY ABS PLASTIC, HIG
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Model LD-50 Le Chatelier Mould Apparatus
Accord with state standard GB 1346-89 to test the ray clamp quality and cement invariability,Used to determine the positive flexibility of Le Chatelier mould.Put the standard cement paste into Le Chat