VRRM VDRM(V): 200-1600ID @ TC(A): 20TC(?°C): 73IFSM @ Tj=25?°C(A): 370VF @ IF, Tj=25?°C(V): 2.2IF @ Tj=25?°C(A): 150Rth(j-s) total(K/W) 1.9Tj(?°C) -40 ... +150Except the model above we can also p
Thyristor with amplifying gate:1,A complex circuit is quickly assembled by a single central mounting screw to the heat-sink and then automatically soldered to the PCB 2,An even pressure distribution
Thyristor model:1000GXHH22Features1,Total diffusion process2,Central trigger3,Ceramic disc type sealing4,Double-sided coolingApplications1,AC & DC motor control2,AC & DC switch3,Phase control rectific
Thyristor model:SF1000EX22Features1,Patented free-floating silicon technology2,Low on-state and switching losses3,Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications4,Optimum power handling capa
Thyristor model:SF1500EX21Features• Patented free-floating silicon technology• Low on-state and switching losses• Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications• Optimum power handl
Thyristor model:SF800J26Features1,Patented free-floating silicon technology2,Low on-state and switching losses3,Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications4,Optimum power handling capabi