Producer information
Company: Andorin Tools Machinery Limited |
Address: Room 301 ,Hong Yun Road ,Long Bei Ling, Tang xia Town ,Dong Guan city,Guang Dong Province,China |
Phone: +86-769-82135642 |
Conical Scoring TCT Circular Saw blades
Conical Scoring TCT Circular Saw blades Long lasting carbide teethApplication: This conical scoring blades is for chip-free cuts on both side of the Bilaminated,with conical type scoring blades,the kerf width changes with depth of the penetration.Kerf range should match the main blade. The cracking and rough edge of the veneering can be avoided .Machine: Mayer,Panhans,SCMI,Giben,Given Trend, Gabbiani,Schelling,Irion,Anthon,Irion,Holzma,Selco.
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