high quality with high density PTFE seal tape for Japan market,usually size: 0.1mm*13mm*15meter,also can supply 10meter,5meter,2meter,1meter PTFE Seal Tape.the density we can make 0.6g/cm3,1.0g/cm3,1.2g/cm3,1.4g/cm3,high stretch,high quality meet your Water-pipe sealing and Gas-pipe sealing,liquid-sealing. we also can supply 19mm,25mm width P.T.F.E seal tape. PTFE gasket joint..
3M 371 Carton Sealing Tape,usually Transparent color and 1.9mil(47mic) thickness,usually size is 2"x55yds & 2"x110yds. we supply this tape with Blank-paper-core,as we can not copy 3M Bra
invisible tape,it was made firstly by 3M company,and named as Magic Tape,it is made from Matte-BOPP-Film coated with high quality adhesive,so it is special kind nice looking Stationery Tape,also can l
No-noise Packaging Tape,the feature is when user unwind the tape roll,it is have no noise or only a little tiny noise.the backing material can be: BOPP,PVC,PET ,but usually use BOPP because BOPP Film