Producer information
Company: Flyin Optronics Co.,Ltd |
Address: 14F,Solar Silicon Valley Building,Queshan Road,Longhua,Baoan District |
Phone: +86-755-28113498 |
DWDM SFP Transceiver up to 2.5G
Flyin Optronics' DWDM SFP transceivers exhibits excellent wavelength stability, supporting operation at 100Ghz channel, are high performance, cost effective modules supporting data-rate up to 2.5Gbps and 80km or 120km transmission distance.The transceiver consists of three sections: a cooled DFB laser transmitter, a APD photodiode integrated with a trans-impedance preamplifier (TIA). All modules satisfy class I laser safety requirements. Flyin Optronics’ DWDM SFP transceiver provides an enhanced monitoring interface, which allows real-time access to device operating parameters such as transceiver temperature, laser bias current, transmitted optical power, received optical power and transceiver supply voltage, laser temperature and TEC current.Features:l Data rate up to 2.5Gb/sl Wavelength selectable to C-band and L-band ITU-T grid wavelengths l Suitable for use in 100GHz channel spacing DWDM systemsl Cold Start up Wavelength Compliancel Low Power Dissipation
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