Producer information
Company: Shenzhen Lanstar Technology Co.,Ltd |
Address: 3/F,Block 8,Lijincheng Industrial Park,East Rd of Industry,Longhua Street,Boan District,Shenzhen City,Guangdong,Provinve,China |
Phone: +86-755-23101213 |
Home security electric fence energizer
Electric fence energizer1,Release electric shock to intruders who touch the fence2,Generates alarm signal3,Burglar proof The object of Lanstar electric fencing energizer is to keep bad guys outside protective area by giving electric shock through the charged fence wire.Properly installed and grounded electric fence is an effective, economical way to keep safetyElectric fence is a psychological barrier, physical barrierCost effective priceLow maintenanceChina manufacturer Features:Real physical barrierDetection of intrusion or anti-theftStatus display all the time on LCDLink with other security equipment,like CCTV,AlarmControled by keyboard or computerLanstar electric fence energiser: LX-2008SC Technical information: High voltage peak 5KV~10KV Low voltage peak 700V~1000V Pulse current peak
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