0E-9794 / Performance LCD
.1-8 players .31 games .148 variations with handicapping.1 LCD .Battery operation (AC adapter optional).Loading : 1860 sets in 1x 20" / 3740 sets in 1 x 40"
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0E-9798 / Ace LCD
.1-8 players .31 games .148 variations with handicapping.1 LCD .Battery operation (AC adapter optional).Loading : 1680 sets in 1x 20" / 3420 sets in 1 x 40"
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BE-9759 / Navigators LCD
.1-8 players .31 games .148 variations with handicapping.1 LCD w/ or w/o back light.Battery operation (AC adapter optional).Loading : 960 sets in 1x 20" / 1935 sets in 1 x 40"
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Darts Accessory I
.80142 (Toe Line).80139 (250 tips).80138 (1000 tips).FH-7966 (Dart holder & tray)
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Darts Accessory II
. FH-7961 ( Dart sets - 3 darts with alum. shaft and poly flight ). FH-7962 ( Dart sets - 3 darts with plastic shaft and flight ). FH-7963 ( 200 tips)
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FH-9881 / Full House LED
.1-8 players .28 games .130 variations with handicapping.10 LED digital display ‧Dot matrix message displays‧Play with computer.Power supply by AC adapter.Loading : 740 sets in 1x 20" / 14
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FH-9972 / King`s Club LED
.1-8 players / 4 teams with cricket.28 games .130 variations with handicapping.10 LED digital display .Play with computer.Power supply by AC adapter.Loading : 670 sets in 1x 20" / 1360 sets in 1 x 4