Features:1. Materials available: art paper, Kraft paper, enamel paper, card paper, carton,UV varnish, cover membrane.2. Printing techniques: offset printing, rotogravure printing, silk screen printing,flexography printing, UV lithography, foil blocking.3. All our products are manufactured based on the quality management system ISO9000.4. Product dimensions and specifications are tailored to suit customers` needs.Disclaimer:The products featured herein are shown as a sample and are not intended to represent an endorsement by the individual company(ies). Specific design(s) shown on this sample is/are the respective property of the company(ies) which are identified.The use of these specific design(s) is/are strictly for demonstrative purposesas examples of size, design, position and color, and they are not for resale.
1. Materials available: art paper, kraft paper, card paper, UV varnish.2. Printing techniques: offset printing, silk screen printing3. All our products are manufactured based on the quality management