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Dr. Vijay Bhatia
Ground Floor, Sunder Gopal Complex, Ambawadi Circle., Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Cosmetic Surgery

The surgical improvement in appearance for deviations that do not amount to an objective deformity can permanently relieve the patient of a pre occupation with his / her appearance.The aesthetic surgery aims to improve the quality of life of an individual by eliminating self consciousness, improving social acceptance and interpersonal relationship and increasing the chances of obtaining employment in occupations where looks are important. In next paragraphs the commonly performed aesthetic surgeries are mentioned.1. Fat Suctioning Or Liposuction:In this procedure the fat to be removed is loosened and removed by short or long tubular instruments of blunt tips which is connected to a powerful suction.Fat collection of hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms can be removed. Liposuction is neither a substitute for dieting nor a cure for obesity. A reasonably weight person with healthy elastic skin but extra fat in a particular region is the best candidate for this procedure.Syringe fat suctioning can also be done in cases where less fat is to be removed.2. Abdominoplasty:This procedure is helpful in persons with excessive fat and loose skin / loose muscle tone. During abdominoplasty extra skin is removed and abdominal muscles are tightened.3. Fat Injection:With syringe some fat of the body can be removed and be used to inject in the depressed areas anywhere in the body to even the contour like in sunken hollow cheeks or frontal depressed fractures looking cosmetically bad.4. Mastopexy (Surgery for tightening and uplifting of breasts) :With age the breasts droop and sag. In this procedure the breasts are tightened, recontoured and lifted up. By removing specific part of skin from the lower part of breasts and around the areola the breasts are tightened. If necessary the size of areola can be reduced. This may be done under local / general anesthesia.5. Augmentation Mammoplasty (Breast enlargement) :This surgery is done for less developed or reduced size breasts. A silicone / saline filled implant is placed behind the breast tissue or behind the muscle. A 2 inch incision is put in the lower part / around areola / in axilla and implant is put.

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