Weather Station
Weather station to forecast:1) Indoor / outdoor temperature2) Indoor / outdoor humidity3) Weather4) Barometric pressure reading (bar graph display; barometric pressure history,temperature history and
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Weather Station And Wireless Products
Weather station to forecast:1) Indoor/outdoor temperature2) Indoor/outdoor humidity3) Weather4) Barometric pressure reading (bar graph display; barometric pressure history,temperature history and humi
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Weather Station Equipment
Functions:1) Indoor / outdoor temperature2) Indoor / outdoor humidity3) Weather4) Barometric pressure: bar graph display, barometric pressure history,temperature history and humidity history5) Altitud
Weather Station Equipment
Functions:1) Indoor / outdoor temperature2) Indoor / outdoor humidity3) Weather4) Barometric pressure: bar graph display, barometric pressure history,temperature history and humidity history5) Altitud
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Weather Station Equipment
Functions:1) Indoor / outdoor temperature2) Indoor / outdoor humidity3) Weather4) Barometric pressure: bar graph display, barometric pressure history,temperature history and humidity history5) Altitud
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Wireless Cooking Thermometer
1. 433MHz2. Working distance: 25m3. Preset food manual including veal/lamb/pork/chicken4. Timer: hours/mins/seconds5. Taste: w. done/medium/n. rare6. PGM: for user to define the unknown food name not
Wireless Cooking Thermometer
1. 433MHz2. Working distance: 25m3. Preset food manual including veal/lamb/pork/chicken4. Timer: hours/mins/seconds5. Taste: w. done/medium/n. rare6. PGM: for user to define the unknown food name not
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Wireless Door Bells
Features:1) RF controlled doorbell2) 433MHz3) 100m distance4) LED indicator5) Up to 3 remote channel6) Battery operated7) Water resistant devices8) Multi sound options
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Wireless Door Bells
Features:1) RF controlled doorbell2) 433MHz3) 100m distance4) LED indicator5) Up to 3 remote channel6) Battery operated7) Water resistant devices8) Multi sound options