Orthopaedic Foot Splint
It is perfect for the recovery of injured feet and lower legs. It is also applied to post-operative recovery. It brings the patient a peaceful night during the recovery period.
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Orthopaedic Leg Splint
This product is used for stable fracture of foot, ankle, lower leg, severe ankle sprain (grade iii), post-operative use.
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Orthopaedic Night Brace
It is perfect for the recovery of injured feet and lower legs. It is also applied to post-operative recovery. It brings the patient a peaceful night during the recovery period.
Orthopaedic Splints
One of our best orthopaedic splints is Night splint. We also produce wrist splint and walking splint etc..
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Orthopaedic Supports
We have already produced elbow support, now we are developing some new items like back supports, cervical supports, etc..
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Tennis Elbow Brace
It is placed around the forearm of a tennis or badminton player to protect his elbow during the sport. It includes an air cell pad base.
Walking Brace
A walking brace can help patients with leg hurt to move more easily.
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Walking Splint
Walking splint is a special splint for people who get his leg injured. It help him move and recover.
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Wrist Brace
Our this wrist brace is very special. It has a special splint inserted which makes the injured wrist more stable.