Pass box is passing products, tools or anything through two partitions, to prevent pollution and keep cleanness at standard requested. Function: * interlock : when door be closed, only allowed one si
Pass box is passing products, tools or anything through two partitions, to prevent pollution and keep cleanness at standard requested. Function: * interlock : when door be closed, only allowed one si
Pass box is passing products, tools or anything through two partitions, to prevent pollution and keep cleanness at standard requested. Function: * interlock : when door be closed, only allowed one si
Pass box is passing products, tools or anything through two partitions, to prevent pollution and keep cleanness at standard requested. Function: * interlock : when door be closed, only allowed one si
Features: With Copyright #226 Taiwan Copyright #3102472 Japan Copyright #1057967 H.K. Accuracy controlling system Compact space design Specially designed to match customer`s needs Lower electricity c
Features: With Copyright #226 Taiwan Copyright #3102472 Japan Copyright #1057967 H.K. Accuracy controlling system Compact space design Specially designed to match customer`s needs Lower electricity c
Features: With Copyright #226 Taiwan Copyright #3102472 Japan Copyright #1057967 H.K. Accuracy controlling system Compact space design Specially designed to match customer`s needs Lower electricity c
Features: With Copyright #226 Taiwan Copyright #3102472 Japan Copyright #1057967 H.K. Accuracy controlling system Compact space design Specially designed to match customer`s needs Lower electricity c
Features: With Copyright #226 Taiwan Copyright #3102472 Japan Copyright #1057967 H.K. Accuracy controlling system Compact space design Specially designed to match customer`s needs Lower electricity c
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