origin of country : Taiwan Item no. A6004
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origin of country : Taiwan Item no. A6002
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origin of country : Taiwan Item no. A6001
clean bench
any size is available Special specification are available to match customers` requested
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clean bench
any size is available Special specification are available to match customers` requested
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clean bench
The specification of equipment could be adjusted according to customer`s demand. HORIZONTAL FLOW SEPARATE HF(S)1900 EXTERNAL DIMENSION G1950W*800D*1620H m/m WORKING AREA G1790W*600D*700H m/m HEPA F
clean bench
The specification of equipment could be adjusted according to customer`s demand. HORIZONTAL FLOW HF(S)1300 EXTERNAL DIMENSION G1350W*800D*1620H m/m WORKING AREA G1190W*600D*700H m/m HEPA FILTER DIME
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clean bench
any size is available Special specification are available to match customers` requested
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clean bench
any size is available Special specification are available to match customers` requested