Features: CAccurate tension control to ensure even density within rewind reels. CEPC or LPC to provide accurate slitting position and smooth slitting edge on every rewind reel. CUnwind automatic tension controller with load cell. CThe PLC controller with LCD display allows accurate and fast control of all parameters, greatly upgrading operation flexibility (option). Optional Accessories: CShaftless unwind-stand. CUnwind hydraulic loading device. CRewinding 6`` differential shaft. CHuman-Machine Interface (10.4`` color LCD). CStatic eliminating device. CTrim blower and expulsion tube. CExpanding roller. CUnloading device. Applications: CNCR paper, non-woven cloth, laminated materials and films. Specifications: UNWIND WEB WIDTH 2000 mm UNWIND WEB DIAMETER 1500 mm THICKNESS RANGE 0.015~0.5 mm (dependent on materials) REWIND DIAMETER 800 mm MIN. SLIT WIDTH 50 mm (dependent on materials) UNWIND/REWIND CORE I.D. 3`` (or as requested) MACHINE SPEED 300 M/min. (This machine can be tailored with different specifications, functions and accessories to meet each individual client demand, please contact with us for details.)
Features: CDifferent levels of controls are available on request, including centralized control systems for immediate set up viewing, working conditions, quality control, job data repeatability, and
Features: CDifferent levels of controls are available on request, including centralized control systems for immediate set up viewing, working conditions, quality control, job data repeatability, and
Features: CDifferent levels of controls are available on request, including centralized control systems for immediate set up viewing, working conditions, quality control, job data repeatability, and