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Household Goods /  Works of Art, Subjects for Collections, Pictures & Antiquarian Things /  Pictures / 
Producer information
Fond Art (Dong Guan) Products Co., Ltd.
Shimei Village, Wanjiang, Dongguan, Guangdong, China (Mainland) Zip: 523040
+86-769-22701228 +22184898

Holand View Oil Painting

We can provide oil paintings with any sizes and any materials. We can also follow customers` packing requirements.

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Other goods of this manufacturer :
 Panel ( Panel)
Features:1) Material: PU + wood2) Outside size: 18 x 48"3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
 Panel ( Panel)
Features:1) Material: PU + wood2) Outside size: 66 x 166cm3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
 Panel ( Panel)
Features:1) Material: PU + wood2) Outside size: 66 x 166cm3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
 Panel ( Panel)
Features:1) Material: PU + wood2) Outside size: 18 x 48"3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
Picture Frame
 Picture Frame ( Picture Frame)
Features:1) Material: wood2) We can provide any sizes3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
Picture Frame
 Picture Frame ( Picture Frame)
Features:1) Material: wood2) We can provide any sizes3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
Picture Frame
 Picture Frame ( Picture Frame)
Features:1) Material: wood2) We can provide any sizes3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
Picture Frame
 Picture Frame ( Picture Frame)
Features:1) Material: wood2) We can provide any sizes3) We can follow customers` packing requirements
Picture Frame
 Picture Frame ( Picture Frame)
Features:1) Material: wood2) We can provide any sizes3) We can follow customers` packing requirements

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