Producer information
Company: Newland E&M Int'l Co.,Ltd. |
Address: Room 303,Building 65,No.24 Lane 169,Lianfeng Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China (Mainland) Zip: 315010 |
Phone: +86-574-87502822 +87506212 +87502 |
Bonded NdFeB Powder
Our bonded powder is an RE-Fe-B alloy composition that rapidlysolidifies from a molten state at extremely high cooling rates,on the order of 1,000,000 degrees per second.This rapid solidification results in a material that has an extremelyfine (typically 30-50 nanometer) metallurgical grain structure.Therefore, the consequent grain size is smaller than the criticalsize for a single magnetic domain, and thus these materials aremagnetically isotropic.Furthermore, in contrast to the fine, anisotropic powders that areused to manufacture sintered RE-Fe-B magnets, powder is relativelystable against oxidation-induced demagnetization.These characteristics make powders ideally suited for the productionof bonded permanent magnets.
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