Sutable also for CNC M/C, high indexing accuracy, equal divison, and heavy cutting ()Low cost, can be connecting to M-code of machine center with our PLC controller (Refering to P:31) ()Powerful claming device , allow heavy cutting and boring. ()Equipped 2 pieces hirth coupling for positioning, indexing accuracy +/- 3 sec. , ()ensure a long-term operation. () () () ()
Suitable for the high accuracy machining such as boring, milling & grinding machines ()Build-in 2 pieces tapped-teeth Hirth coupling for positioning ()Indexing accuracy +/- 3 sec, ensure long-term op
Easy operation, saving space of machine shop. ()Conneting with CNC Rotary Table to M-Code of CNC M/C for equal divison indexing mchining. ()The best solution for conventional M/C which could not retr
Equipped ``double-cam-plate`` for indexing mechanism, smooth with turbo-speed to turning the tool-disc ()with compact design & high durability, suitable for heavy precision cutting ()Driving source p
Combination of high precision bronze/nickel worm wheel and case hardened steel worm screw ()Ensures long term indexing accuracy ()Multi-points pneumatic brake system offers superior clamp torque, ins
Easy installation, easy operation ()Compact Design Wide Machining Range ()Even approx. Ont meter table M/C/ could be installed ()To match 5-axis Machining-Center for continuing machining, ()the tilti