Fingerprint Time Recorder
Features:1) The fingerprint head is made by quartz crystal and it never be worn. The fingerprintimaging device of OV Company of United State ensures the clear and accuratecollection of all fingerprints2) Capacity: 2,000 fingerprints; 80,000 attendance records at maximum3) 1:1 and 1:N identification method ensures the correct collection of all fingerprints4) In condition that there is no fingerprint, password can be set up to have attendancecheck, or each user can register 3 fingerprints and a password5) Aluminum alloy material: firm and beautiful6) Built-in simple access function ensures to control electrical lock by outputtingthe relay. The output time can be set to delay between 1 to 255 seconds in theterminal. 9 groups of open lock time can be set up7) Alarm clock function: set up 24 groups of alarm time every day; built-in musicalarm with out-machine alarm control device8) Backup power source (optional)Technical specifications:1) Operating system: Win98/Win2000/WinXP2) Size: 195 x 55 x 130mm3) Fingerprint capacity: 2,0004) Transaction storage: 80,0005) Communications: RS232, RS485, USB RJ456) Identification speed: less than 0.7s7) FAR: less than 0.0001%8) FRR: less than 0.01%9) Operating temperature: 0 to 4510) Operating humidity: 20% - 80%11) Languages: simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English (many other languagescan be chosen depend on your need)
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