Features:1) Power supply: 3800V, 50Hz or 60Hz2) Refrigerant: R22 or R407C3) Heating capacity: 10, 13, 15kW4) Quiet: operates quietly5) Energy saving: can decrease your home or business heating costs bybetween 50 and 70 percent or more, and cooling costs by 20 to 30percent6) Environmentally friendly: the ground source heat pump works with naturalwater so there are no odors or dangerous fumes in your home or office, nogas or oil fire hazards, and no chimneys or outdoor venting7) This ground source system is recommended as the cleanest and mostefficient heating and cooling system available today
Features:1) Power supply: 3800V, 50Hz or 60Hz2) Refrigerant: R22 or R407C3) Heating capacity: 10, 13, 15kW4) Quiet: operates quietly5) Energy saving: can decrease your home or business heating costs b
Features:1) Power supply: 220V, 50Hz or 60Hz2) Refrigerant: R22 or R407C3) Heating capacity: 8kW, 10kW4) Quiet: operates quietly5) Energy saving: can decrease your home or business heating costs bybet
Geothernal heat pumps are the relatively new technology that can save homeowners money. Heating is maintenance-free. Your house is emissions-free -- good for your personal environment.
Features:1) Power supply: 220-240V/1/ 50Hz or 60Hz2) Refrigerant: R22 of R407C3) Cooling only, heating only and hot water only4) Condensed thermal energy recovery when cooling5) Timer function6) Optio
Features:1) Power supply: 220-240V/1/ 50Hz or 60Hz2) Refrigerant: R22 of R407C3) Cooling only, heating only and hot water only4) Condensed thermal energy recovery when cooling5) Timer function6) Optio
Features:1) Free hot water, lower running costs: during summer, when the unit iscooling, the outdoor unit will discharge thermal gas at more than50oC. This unit (heat pump) takes the discharged energy
Features:1) Free hot water, lower running costs: during summer, when the unit iscooling, the outdoor unit will discharge thermal gas at more than50oC. This unit (heat pump) takes the discharged energy
Features:1) This units are perfect integration with air conditioner and heat pump water heater2) The unit can supply 50 – 60oC living hot water, which can be cooledin the summer and heated in th
Features:1) This units are perfect integration with air conditioner and heat pump water heater2) The unit can supply 50 – 60oC living hot water, which can be cooledin the summer and heated in th