Impulse Sealer
Automatic Band SealerApplications:This sealer is suitable for sealing all kinds of plastic films and formaking bags, widely used in fields of food, medicine, cosmetics, local specialties, chemical products, electrical components, vegetable seeds,the preservation of cultural relics, etc. It is the best sealingequipment used in batches in factories, shops as well as in servicetrades.Performances and futures:This sealer, equipped with the constant temperature control of electronand with the stepless speed transmission set, can seal and make allshapes of bags of plastic films, and be used as a necessary accessoryin all kinds of packing assembly line. The sealing length is not limited.It is characterized by the efficiency of the continuous sealing, thequality, of proper structures, and the convenient operation. It can beused as a horizontal or a vertical sealer, as well as a console one. The horizontal sealer is suitable for packing dry goods and then sealing thebag, while the vertical one powered liquid goods. This sealer may have a printing connector, such as the factory`s name, brand, date ofproduction, terms of validity, check number and lot number can beprinted on while sealing. The printing should be finished and the dateand the lot number can be altered according to the requirement. It isused conveniently to cater for the hygienic law for medicine and foods.The sealer can be connected with a counting set to work and to bemanaged easily.Structures and theories:This sealer is made up of the frame, the speed regulator, sealingtemperature control system, transmission set, conveyer, printing set,etc. When the power supply has been put through, electro thermalelements produce heat which greatly raises the temperature of both theupper and the lower heat blocks, and adjusts the temperature of thesealing material as well as the speed through the temperaturecontroller and speed regulator. The plastic sealing belts are clampedby the belts. The sealing part is pressed by heated blocks in heatingarea. The plastic film is adhered after being heated, then conveyedinto the cooling area to be cooled, also being clamped with the scalingbelts. Press if with knurl wheel or printing wheel, then there willappear shrines and nets, as well as the words needed. The driving partof the sealer is made up of the sealing belt, guiding belt and theconveyer belt driven by a motor, all of these operating synchronously.
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