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Quick Detail:
13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-dien-17-one 90%
Product name: 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-dien-17-one 90%
Synonym: Methoxydienone
Trade names: Max LMG, Tren, Trena, AKA Methoxygonadiene
CAS Registry Number: 2322-77-2
Assay: 90%
Molecular Formula: C20H28O2
Molecular Weight: 300.44
Appearance: White or white crystalline powder
Common dosage: 60-120mg daily
Common cycle length: 4-6 weeks
Methylated: No
Half-Life:Long (48-72 hours)
Not a 17aa steroid so liver toxicity is not as harsh as with 17aa steorids, however the ethyl group on C-18 may make it slightly more toxic than a non-ethylated steroid (while increasing its oral bio-availability). Max LMG is progestin designed to give solid gains in muscle mass with low water retention. The progestational activity of methoxygonadiene (once it is converted to its active metabolites) is considered to be slightly stronger than nandrolone. This means muscle building with Max LMG in your cycle gives you higher quality hardening effects. Since it acts as anti-progesterone, there are decreased negative effects of extra estrogen and increased libido.
What is 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one?
Tren 13-Ethyl (13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one) is a popular prohormone used to increase size, strength, endurance, and libido. So, men supplementing with this compound often see improved performance both in the gym and the bedroom.
Is 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one a Progestin?
Yes. The structure does resemble birth control pills, and it does have ant-progesterone properties. The reduction in estrogen helps minimize side effects like bloating and gyno. Other popular prohormones like nandrolone and Methyl-DIen also have these properties.
Is 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one a Cutting or Bulking Prohormone?
Bulking prohormone. Tren 13-Ethyl is stronger than 1-AD or Halodrol-50, so you can expect to put on dense, quality muscle mass.
What are the Benefits of 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one?
•Dry Gains
•Increased Size & Strength
•No Estrogen Conversion
•Improved Stamina & Endurance
Cycle Length Cycle Length/Dosage
6-8 weeks. Take 1-3 capsules of 25mg/day. If this is your 1st cycle you may want to begin with 1 pill per day and work your way up.
Should I use Cycle Support?
Yes. Take 2-3 capsules of Liver Maxx daily during your cycle to protect your liver and minimize the potential for side effects..
Should I take a Post Cycle Therapy?
Always! A PCT is a necessity when taking prohormones. Your natural testosterone levels need to be restored up completion of your cycle.
Do You Keep Most of the Gains from a Prohormone?
You should retain most of the gains from using prohormones if you take a PCT after your cycle is done.
16α-HYDROXY-PREDNISONLONE English Synonyms: 16-α-HYDROXY PREDNISOLONE;16α-HYDROXY-PREDNISOLONE;11a,16b,17,21-tetrahydroxy-pregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione;11B,16A,17A,21-TETRAHYDROXY