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Informationen über den produzenten
Houcang Village, Shiqie District

Coating copper block shape bonded NdFeB

Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of NdFeB High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to performance ratio Reasonable temperature stability Very brittle & hard Poorest corrosion resistance of all commercial magnetic materials Not suitable for application which exposed in high temperature conditions
In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb Internetauftritt des HerstellersInternetauftritt des Herstellers

Andere Waren dieses Produzenten :
Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of Nd2Fe14B High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to perfo
Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of NdFeB High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to performa
Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of Nd2Fe14B High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to perfo

��� �� � ��������� "Metallminerale":
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