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 Color Masterbatch for Sun Sheet (Цвет маточной для ВС листа)

Описание:  Product Name: Color Masterbatch for Sun Sheet<br>Place of Origin: China<br><br>Charming sunshine board series color masterbatch is used for the coloration<br>of the PC sunshine board and meter panels, with high-temperature resistance,<br>good appearance and other excellent performances.<br><br>Product series:<br>CB series: applicable to sun sheet<br><br>Packing and storage:<br>The product is packaged with two layers, preventing from water and moisture. The<br>standard package is 25kg/ bag. Please stored in a dry place with good ventilation<br>and padded to prevent weather damage. The color of the masterbatch can be preserved for up to five years. When it is opened for use, the remaining parts must<br>be repacked, to avoid duct pollution and moisture absorption.

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