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 High-Speed Tablet Deduster (HRD-100A) (Высокоскоростной планшетный пылеуловитель (HRD 00A))

Описание:  Product Name: High-Speed Tablet Deduster (HRD-100A)<br>Model Number: HRD-100A<br>Place of Origin: China<br><br>Advantages:<br>1) The machine is designed to meet GMP standard and entirely made of stainless steel<br>304<br>2) Compressed air sweep off the dust from engraving pattern and surface of tablet<br>within a short distance<br>3) Centrifugal de-dusting makes the tablet de-dusting efficiently. Rolling de-burring<br>is a gentle de-burring which protect the edge of tablet<br>4) The static electricity on surface of tablet/capsule can be avoided due to non-brushed<br>airflow polishing<br>5) Long de-dusting distance, dedusting and deburring are performed synchronously<br>6) High output and high efficiency, thus its more suitable to handle big tablets,<br>engraving tablets and TCM tablets, it can be linked to any high-speed tablet presses<br>directly<br>7) Service and cleaning is easy and convenient thanks to fast dismantling structure<br>8) The tablet inlet and outlet can be adapted to any operating condition<br>9) Infinitely variable driving motor allows the speed of screen drum adjustable continuously<br><br>Technical data:<br>1) Power supply: 220V, 50Hz, 1 phase/110V, 60Hz, 1 phase<br>2) Power input: 100W max.<br>3) Tablet size: 5-25mm<br>4) Drum speed: 10-150rpm<br>5) Suction capacity: 350cbm/h<br>6) Compressed air: 3 bars (oil, water and dust-free)<br>7) Output (tablet/h): 800,000 (6mm round tablet)<br>8) Weight: 35kg<br>9) Dimensions: 750 x 320 x 1,030mm

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