Описание: <br/><br class="space"/>Obtained from the fermentation of goat milk with lactobacillus bulgaricus and lactic streptococci. Well-known and appreciated for the revitalizing action of its live milk flora. Compact and creamy, white colour, slightly sour, pleasant taste.<br>Goat milk yogurt available either plain or wild berry-flavoured. Sheep milk yogurt available plain and in the following fruit flavours: Banana, strawberry, apricot.<br>Goat milk: Packaging:2 tubs x 125 g, in 12-unit cartons(24tubs); shelf life:45 days at 4 c; storage temperature:4 c, to be consumed no later than its use-by date; nutrition information, average values per 100 g of product: Plain 62 kcal-255 kj; proteins 4,16 %; fat 4,70 %; berry-flavoured 100 kcal - 414 kj; proteins 4,90%; fat 7,16 %/sheeps milk packaging:2 tubs x 125 g, in 12-unit cartons(24tubs); shelf life:45 days at 4 c; storage temperature:4 c, to be consumed no later than its use-by date; nutrition information, average values per 100 g of product:100 kcal - 414 kj; proteins 5,38 %; fat 5,9 %<br><br>
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