Описание: Features:<br>The functions with scrubber and ultrasonic together assembled in a beauty care machine.<br><br>Theory:<br>1. Make use of ultrasonic energy exchange technology, generating ultrasonic mechanical librations 25, 000 times every second, generating a kind of energy which has the obvious osmosis to the body, through the atomization transfer of medium to generate the strong wallop<br>2. Ultrasonic generates one million to two million times high speed librations wave every second, soak into the skin by 6-7mm, so as to activate the cell<br>3. The warm and heat effect of ultrasonic accelerates the blood circulation of histiocyte, activates the histiocyte biology effect, accelerates cell rejuvenescence<br>4. Ultrasonic ion leads the needed nutrient and moisture into the deep-seated skin<br><br>Function<br>1. Eliminate the dirty in the pore instantly, no pain to vent the acne<br>2. Massage lymph, vent rubbish, eliminate alveolate tissue<br>3. Remove aging cell and wrinkle<br>4. Beautify and whiten skin, lead the nutrition into the skin, lighten color pot and melanin
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