Бетаметазон натрий фосфат
CAS no.: 151-73-5Standard: USP, BP, EPPacking: 1 x 1kg tin/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone acetate4. Hydro
Standard: in-house standardPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone acetate4. Hydrocortisone5
CAS no.: 141845-82-1Standard: in-house standardPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone aceta
Ципротерона ацетата
Standard: CP2005,USP,BP,EPPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of androgen chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Progesterone2. Cyproterone acetate3. Medroxyprogesterone acetate4. Mege
Ципротерона ацетата
CAS no.: 427-51-0Standard: CP2005, USP, BP, EPPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of androgen chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Progesterone2. Cyproterone acetate3. Medroxyprogest
Deflaz ort
Standard: in-house standardPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone acetate4. Hydrocortisone5
Deflaz ort
CAS no.: 14484-47-0Standard: in-house standardPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone acetat
Дексаметазон ацетат
Standard: in-house standardPacking: 2 x 5kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednisone3. Prednisone acetate4. Hydrocortisone5
Дексаметазон ацетат
CAS no.: 1177-87-3Standard: CP2005, USP, BP, EPPacking: 1 x 10kg tin/carton, 10 x 1kg tins/cartonWe can supply different kinds of corticoid chemicals and pharmaceuticals:1. Cortisone acetate2. Prednis