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AP25 Air Purifier is equipped with advance multiple filtering system which can keepthe indoor air fresh and clean.Features:1. Ionizer: Releases Negatively charged ions into the air. Negatively charged ionsappears large quantity in nature environment like forest. It can neutralizethe charge on pollutants, such as dust, and waste air, and deposit the pollutantson the ground.2. Photo-Catalytic Filter: The photo-catalytic filter is a metallic filter fixedinside the air purifier, with a layer of Titanium Oxide(TiO2) plated on it. Underlight source, the photo-catalytic filter can decompose some air pollutants, suchas smoke and odors, and kill the bacteria and virus in the air effectively.3. Multiple Filtering System: This air purifier composes of 3 different layers offilters, which can remove the dust and pollens in the air effectively:a, Pre-Filter: Effectively collect the large particles, hairs, fragments of clothesfibers. It is washable, and can prolong the life of the HEPA Filter and Carbon Filterb. HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filter: It composes of finely weaved fibersthat can trap very fine particles in the air, including fine dust and pollensc. Carbon Filter: Composes of activated carbons, which can absorb the unpleasant odors in the air
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