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Информация о производителе
Ningbo Huizhi Medicines & Health Products Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.
483 Xiaolin Road, Xinyuan Village, Xiaolin Town, Cixi, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)


Features:1) Plant source: chicory2) Specification: inulin 50%, 90%3) Description:a) As a fructan and storage carbohydrate, inulin belongs to a group of naturally-occurring carbohydrates containing non-digestible fructooligosaccharidesb) The nutrition and food industry refer to inulin as FOSc) It is a plant starchd) Because of its presumed health benefits, it is used as a food ingredient in avariety of processed foodse) The key reasons inulin is used in processed foods are for fat replacement andfiber enrichmentf) As a fat replacement, it improves the taste, texture, and mouth feel of reduced-fat and fat-free dairy productsg) Cereal-based products such as cakes, bread, and breakfast cereals exhibitimproved structure and crispness4) Function:a) Helps to improve mineral absorption and balanceb) Lowers fasting blood sugarc) Oligofructose, a hydrolysate of inulin, not only improves texture and mouthfeel but also enhances taste and fruit flavors when used in low fat yogurt incombination with high-intensity sweetenersd) It is also used in healthy dairy drinks to improve fiber contente) Significantly increases the number if beneficial bacteria such as befidobacteriaf) Regulates the intestinal balanceg) Effectively inhibits harmful bacteria, reducing the production of toxinsh) Improves immunityi) Stimulates digestion and absorptionj) Helps bowel movement and prevents constipationk) Increases the absorption of some useful minerals such as calcium, zine and ironl) Low effect on blood glucose level and reduces cholesterolm) Improves fat metabilishn) Low caloric valueo) Non-cariogenic, not cause dental decayp) Soluble dietary fiber and highly unabsorbable to human5) Suggested application:a) Dairy Product: milk powder, milk tablet, yogurt and fresh milkb) Infant food: infant milk powder, cereal, formular milk powder and fruit pastec) Nutraceutical product: tablet, condensed, health tea, slimming tea and oraldosed) Pharmaceutical: tablet, capsule, specially recommended for Chinese medicineenhancere) Beverage: mineral water, athletic drinks, yoghurt, sold drinks, juice and teaf) Wine: health wine, white wine, yellow wine, clear wine, beer and red wineg) Others: cakes, biscuits, candy, jelly, ice-cream and chocolate
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Другие товары этого производителя :
 Inulin (Инулин)
Features:1) Plant source: chicory2) Specification: inulin 50%, 90%3) Description:a) As a fructan and storage carbohydrate, inulin belongs to a group of naturally-occurring carbohydrates containing non
 Levodopa (Леводопа)
Features:1) Other name: L-Dopa2) Chemical name: L-Tyrosine, 3-hydroxy-Molec3) Plant source: vicia faba leaf, Mucuna cochin - chinensis (Lour) A. Cheval. seed4) Description: the gold standard of presen
 Levodopa (Леводопа)
Features:1) Other name: L-Dopa2) Chemical name: L-Tyrosine, 3-hydroxy-Molec3) Plant source: vicia faba leaf, Mucuna cochin - chinensis (Lour) A. Cheval. seed4) Description: the gold standard of presen
Момордика Grosvenori Extr t
 Momordica Grosvenori Extract (Момордика Grosvenori Extr t)
Features:1) Habitat: Guangxi of China2) Latine name: momordica grosvenori swingle3) Part used: fruit4) Chinese name: Luo Han Guo5) Family: cucurbitaceae6) Genus: siraitia7) Specification:a) Momordica
Момордика Grosvenori Extr t
 Momordica Grosvenori Extract (Момордика Grosvenori Extr t)
Features:1) Habitat: Guangxi of China2) Latine name: momordica grosvenori swingle3) Part used: fruit4) Chinese name: Luo Han Guo5) Family: cucurbitaceae6) Genus: siraitia7) Specification:a) Momordica
Radix Gentianae M rophyllae (Largeleaf горечавки Root)
 Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae (Largeleaf Gentian Root) (Radix Gentianae M rophyllae (Largeleaf горечавки Root))
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Radix Gentianae M rophyllae (Largeleaf горечавки Root)
 Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae (Largeleaf Gentian Root) (Radix Gentianae M rophyllae (Largeleaf горечавки Root))
We can supply a wide variety of medicinal herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. Our products include oldenlandia diffusa, rhizoma bletillae, radix paeoniae alba, cynanchum bunaei, aniseed, pinel
Radix Paeoniae Альба (Белый пион Root)
 Radix Paeoniae Alba (White Peony Root) (Radix Paeoniae Альба (Белый пион Root))
Features:1) Habitat: Zhejiang of China2) Description:a) Cylindrical, straight or slightly curvedb) Two ends truncatec) 5-18cm longd) 1-3cm in diametere) Externally whitish or pale reddish-brown, gloss
Radix Paeoniae Альба (Белый пион Root)
 Radix Paeoniae Alba (White Peony Root) (Radix Paeoniae Альба (Белый пион Root))
Features:1) Habitat: Zhejiang of China2) Description:a) Cylindrical, straight or slightly curvedb) Two ends truncatec) 5-18cm longd) 1-3cm in diametere) Externally whitish or pale reddish-brown, gloss

Так же в категории "Экстракты растений":
 Green Tea Polyphenols (80%)
 Carnosic Acid
Carnosic A...
Coconut Fiber
 Coconut Fiber And Pith
 Coir Fibre
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