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Product Name: Solar PanelModel Number: MONO xx W, POLY xx WPlace of Origin: ChinaElectricity generation widespread application:The solar energy light bent down the electricity generation widespread applicationto manifest the sustainable development energy and the circulation economy idea,will adjust the energy structure, the safeguard energy security, in improvedand protects the terrestrial environment and guarantees the human society in thesustainable development to occupy day by day the important status.The solar energy light bends down generates electricity inexhaustible, the inexhaustible environmental protection energy, is widely used in the city modernization construction, BIPV (light bends down construction integration) to construct, municipal administration public works as well as bright project and so on.The solar energy light bends down the electricity generation to apply generally inexempts opens cutting the road surface, does not need in advance in the back guycity outdoors public facility, the environmental protection, the energy conservationalso the cost are low. Has formed the solar energy public transportationstation desk lamp box, the solar energy book newsstand, the solar energy plot corridor lamp, the solar energy plot extinguished outdoors public facility seriesproduct and so on insect lamp.The solar energy light bent down the electricity generation to guarantee in the communication domain application the communication base depot, the relay station,released directly for the electric power supply which stood, manifested the solarenergy light to bend down generates electricity nobody is able to defend. Thehighly effective stable movement merit, widely uses in the modernized communicationdomain. The solar energy light bent down the electricity generation to avoidon the traffic signal widespread application laying down the supply line and openingcutting the road surface work, erected directly, the cost was inexpensive,facilitates the installment and the use.The solar energy light bends down the electricity generation to the remote districtsherdsman, the village inhabitants life, the raising livestock production, theagricultural production, the cattle for breeding, the irrigation, the education,the medical treatment facility brings the gospel.The solar energy light bent down the electricity generation regarding our countryaspect and so on insular force, border defense gate house military equipment, serviceman living standard improvement plays to the significant role.The solar energy light bends down the electricity generation widely to apply in thecity and the country road, the highway illumination, the park, the plot and soon the bright project, has formed the solar energy street light, the solar energygarden lamp. The solar energy lawn lamp, the solar energy water light a lampand so on the series product.The solar energy light bent down the electricity generation regarding our countryaspect and so on insular force, border defense gate house military equipment, serviceman living standard improvement plays to the significant role.
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