Адрес: 25, Tung 2nd St., Youth Industrial Park, Jin Nan Li, Ta Chia Chen, Taichung Hsien
Телефон: +886-4-26821189
MK-TLP phosphite is a trialkyl phosphite which can be used as a lubricant additive to improve antifriction and antiwear characteristics. It also functions as a sulfur deactivator. MK-TLP phosphite may be used as a stabilizer in PVC, polyester fibers and in polypropylene when regulatory approval for food contact is not required.
MK-DPDP is used as a color and processing stabilizer in polycarbonate, polyurethanes, ABS poymers, and coatings. It is also used as a secondary stabilizer in PVC.
MK-TDP phosphite is a trialkyl phosphite which is useful as a secondary stabilizer in ABS, polyethylene terephthalate, PET fibers, coatings, lubricants, PVC, polycarbonate and polyurethanes.
MK-ODPP phosphite is an alkyl-aryl phosphite which can be used as a color and processing stabilizer in ABS, polycarbonate, polyurethane, coatings, and PET fiber where regulatory approval for food con
3,4,5,6-dibenzo-1,2-oxaphosphane-2-oxide or 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide. CAS NO. 35948-25-5 Appearance: White crystaline powder and granule Solubility: Easily soluble in:methan
MK-PDDP phosphite is an alkyl-aryl phosphite which can be used as a color and processing stabilizer in ABS, polycarbonate, polyurethane, coatings, and PET fiber where regulatory approval for food con