Our company is the largest broker in Luxembourg selling second hand copiers:Canon, Ricoh, Minolta since 1996.We have in stock more than 1500 copiers. All our copiers run, they are tested and cleaned b
We are specialized in the sell of second hand copiers, we are able to offer you an excellent opportunity for ricoh copiers.You can find here one lot of 53 minolta copiers and also some models of konic
We have a good opportunity for xerox copiers:Lot of 60 xerox copiersHere are the details:7 XEROX 5353 XEROX 5551 XEROX 50181 XEROX 53221 XEROX 56221 XEROX 56651 XEROX 57501 XEROX 58151 XEROX 58261 XER
We are specialized in the sell of Canon, Ricoh, Minolta copiers but we are able to offer you an excellent opportunity for XEROX copiers.All our copiers run, they are tested and cleaned.We are used to