Сырье Trochus Корпуса
We supply FCL quantities of Raw Trochus Shells. We can also supply other types of shells such as Goldlip, Blacklip, Brownlip MOP shells. Paua Abalone, African Abalone, Turbo Samarticus.. Etc.
Bl klip Перламутр Корпуса
We supply FCL quantities of Wild Blacklip Mother of Pearl and other shells such as Goldlip, Brownlip, Paua, Trochus, Turbo Marmoratus..etc. We can also supply shell inlaid tiles and shell veneers / sh
Brownlip Перламутр Корпуса
We can supply FCL quantities of all types of Mother of Pearl Shells including Goldlip, Brownlip & Blacklip wild and farmed. We also supply Trochus, Paua, Mexican & African Abalone and almost all types