Тесто Mixer
Flour capacity: 1.5kg, 3kg, 6kg, 9kg, 12 kg, 25kg, 50kg()With/without safety guard()Overload protection()With/without timer()Bowl can auto lift or tilt (for 25kg or 50kg type)()With/without CE() () (
Паровые смеситель
Heating by steam.()Full capacity = 120L()Can attached with small steam boiler.()Application: Sticky rice cake, glutinous rice cake, starch-made cake() () () () ()
Паровые смеситель
Heating by steam.()Full capacity = 120L()Can attached with small steam boiler.()Application: Sticky rice cake, glutinous rice cake, starch-made cake() () () () ()
Паровые смеситель
Heating by steam.()Full capacity = 120L()Can attached with small steam boiler.()Application: Sticky rice cake, glutinous rice cake, starch-made cake() () () () ()