GPS мышь
Mars-A200 is a gps-mouse receiver product by module technologies INC. Features the nemerix 16 channels which performs ultra low power GPS architecture. Mars-A200 provides high position, velocity and t
SiRF Star III Bluetooth GPS приемник
The Lion-700S Bluetooth GPS receiver is a Global Position System Receiver with Bluetooth wireless technology. This SiRF star III high sensitivity BT GPS receiver allows you to receive GPS data on mobi
159dBm SiRF Star III Bluetooth GPS приемник
The lion700s bluetooth gps receiver is a global position system receiver with bluetooth wireless technology. This sirf star iii high sensitivity bt gps receiver allows you to receive gps data on mobil
Low Power SiRF III 59dBm GPS-модуль
Modulestek GPS module MG-S02 is a high sensitivity, Low power, cost efficient, compact size; plug & play GPS module board designed for a broad spectrum of OEM system applications. The GPS module recei
SiRF III GPS Mouse Receiver
Mars-700S is a g-mouse receiver product by Modulestek. Features the SiRF III 20 channels which performs high performance GPS architecture. Mars-700S provides high position, velocity and time accuracy
SiRF Star III 59dBm Bluetooth GPS приемник
The lion-700s bluetooth gps receiver is a global position system receiver with bluetooth wireless technology. This sirf star iii high sensitivity bt gps receiver allows you to receive gps data on mobi