Большой грузоподъемности копры
The Impact Tester has gained wide acceptance in testing the impact resistance of many types of coatings from paints to varnished to tough plated, plastic or laminated coatings. Test is in accordance w
QCJ Impact Tester produced by our company is in accordance with the specification in National Standard GB/T 1732-93 Determination of paint film resistance to impact and the practical requirement of me
ISO Поток кубки
ISO Flow Cups produced by our company is in accordance with International Standard ISO 24321-1993 Paints and varnishes-Determination of flow time by Use of Flow Cups(Fourth edition), National Standard
LAT-B покрытий Толщиномер
LAT-B Coating Thickness Gauge is a coating thickness gauge for nondestructive coating thickness measurement of all nonmagnetic coating layers, such as lacquer and varnish, paint, enamel, chrome, coppe
LG-я Sag тестер
LG-I Sag Tester produced by our company is in accordance with the specification of National Standard GB/T 9264-88 determination of Sag Resistance for Paints. They are applicable to determine the relat
PN-II Параллельный Plate Вискозиметр
PN-II Parallel Plate Viscometer is designed to test technical characteristic data of slope, intercept, yield point value, etc of ink. It complies with GB/T 14623.3-93 standard.Main Technical Parameter
Пневматическое сбросов танковый пулемет
Pneumatic Dumping Tank Machine is a special semi-automatic dumping equipment for industries of ink, paint and coatings, etc. It will executeaction of lifting and dumping controlled by pneumatic compon
Pring расстойки
Pring Proofer meticulously designed and produced by our company based on the demand of printing industry-printability is applicable to high quality proofs using plate printing ink on any flexible subs
QTX лакокрасочного покрытия Гибкость тестер
QTX Paint Film Flexibility Tester produced by our company also called as paint film elasticity tester, is in accordance with the specification in National Standard GB/T 1731-93 "Determination of