We have rich experiences to in this field, have got more that 10 set numerical control tool.Have the ability to satisfy your strict demand.
Have got skilled technicians, prefect management, we can face your special demands in 40 days.Manifold surfacing processing is available, as in plain, common lead painting, under phosphide, and anodic
Have rich experience in the arts, and with fully assembly lines, we have the ability to face your special demands.With good tolerance, tight precess for precision parts, we have got a good credit in o
Have got good relation ship with several top rings, pins and clips manufacture, we now have the ability to face high quality demands for a full assembly of pistons.Our products has been now export to
Having got rich experience and good technicians, and based on the pretection of precision machine, our products can face the top standard of world.Have been manufactured for Ford, Benz, Volvo, Kamaz,
With rich experience, we can supply you with best products and competitive price. We have prefect and complete arts&crafts, will be the best supplier in each price lever.Piston for Ford, Volvo, Kamaz,
Our major is for EU market and Japan autos, our products have been export to more than 50 countries, with advanced assembly line, and top grade machine, we have the confidence and can face most of you
As top supplier local, we have got good relation ship with several top rings, pins and clips manufacture, and now we have the ability to face high quality demands for a full assembly of pistons.Our pr
As an old supply for piston, we have strict control of quality, and complete supply system, can supply you with first class goods in fast.Our major are for EU and japan autos, now we have manufacture