We are nail factory of hebei province, china. We can supply at least 600t nails per month by our own factory. The packing can be box, carton,etc, as per order . We export to poland, kuwait, romania, d
We are professional nail factory and our company is paid member of Alibaba. If you search nail you will find my company in the second place.We can offer the nail you wanted and we can supply common wi
We can supply common wire nail from 3/4"--6", mesh hesd, smooth shank, diamond dip, polish. The packing is your demand. We offer at least 600ts per month by our own factory.Ascribe to our hi
We can supply common wire nails from BWG18--BWG5 which use Q235 as our raw material. We can offer about 500 tons per month by our own factory. We are not only trade company, we have our own factry. If
Good quality material from famous iron and steel factory. mesh head and smoth shank, diamond tip, polish. We can supply at least 600ts per month by our own factory.If you hava orders about nails, we c
We are nails factory of China which we can offer at least 600T per month by our own factory. We export to Poland, Kuwait, Qutar, Dubai,etc.Ascribe to our high quality and competitive price, we have a
We are nails factory of China which we can offer at least 600T per month by our own factory. We export to Poland, Kuwait, Qutar, Dubai,etc.Ascribe to our high quality and competitive price, we have a
I am glad to post my information on Alibaba. We are pay attention to nail production. We can supply common wire nails which more than 600ts per month by our own factory.Also we can offer coil nail, pl
We are professional nails factory which can supply from 3/4"--6" with excellent quality and competitive price. We can offer 20*20ft per month by our own factory.Thanks for your kind response