- Varsity J ket / Куртка Бейсбол
Varsity JacketsBody: WoolSleeve, pocket bones: Sheep/lamb Napa or Cow PDM per customers choiceColor: All colors are availableCollar, Sleeve and waist ( hem ): Knit/rib material. Or leather as per cust
Рука дамы вышитые джинсы
Hand embridered ladies jeansSizes:8 through 18Price: Us$.19.00 door delivered to any part of the worldMinimum:25 pieces per shade/wash. In this 25 pieces you can have 2 designs.Payment: By wire transf
JeansThickness: 14 ozSize: 6 through 16 extra large sizes are also availablePrice: us $. 29. 00 fob bombay / londonPayment: wire transfer to our accountMoq: 50 pieces per washPrices are negotiable for