Scotish с копченым лососем
The very Best Scotish smoked salmonSea trout and fish productsHot or cold smokedWe have curently available this product for delivery throughout Europe from our own scotich smokehoue situated in oban S
Fesh quail evecirated whole birds 4 packStuffed boneless birds with garlic and herb or apricot and rice 4 packBonless unstuffed birds 6 packSuitable for retail of wholsaleAny quantity availableProduce
We are prepairing to start exporting british beef from the UKYoung beef and manufacturing cow beef is to be available in carcases and we are expecting a limited supplyWe are seaking disccussions with
Коров и овец, и т.д.
We source and supply the very best cows sheep lamb, and goat to your requirements please e mail your requirements or fax details for competitive quote
Халяль баранина
Whole lamb carcasesMutton carcaseCryovac cutsHalal or standard slaughteredPrice per KG ex works
Лэмб печени и сердца
Frozen Lamb Liver 2x10 kgs per case block Frozen HalalLamb Hearts 20 kg frozen Halal