Crenulate (Rhodiola Rosa)
Crenulate(Rhodiola rosa)is a voluble medicinal plant mainly produced in the mountainsofTibet, Xingjiang, Gansu and Jilin, China, belonging to Rhodiola family, a kind of perennial plant. Its root and r
Dong Quai Extr t
The principal ingredient in the active substance extracted from Angelica sinensis, is type of Agaricaceae called ligustilide. In ancient times, it was widely taken as blood tonic, used to treat irregu
Гигант энергобаланс Extr t
Giant knotweed rhizome along with root belonging to polygonum, pdygonaceae is a kind of perennial herb. It is mainly produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi etc. Cuspidatin, purple extract powde
Гигант энергобаланс Extr t
Giant knotweed rhizome along with root belonging to polygonum, pdygonaceae is a kind of perennial herb.It is mainly produced in Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui,Jiangxi etc. Cuspidatin,purple extract powder der
Ginger Extr t
voipDescription Of Ginger ExtractModel Number:No.28prodcut name:Ginger ExtractThe aromatic and sharp taste is characteristic of this herb generally used for treating stomach ailments. It improves bloo
Гинкго билоба
We produce all range of ginkgo biloba extracts.Specification: Regular 24/6Low acid: With ginkgolic acidWatersoluble low acid
Гинкго билоба Extr t
Ginkgo leaf extract producted in our factory is the active ingredients extracted from ginkgo leaves with advanced modern technology, its principal specifications consist in low acidity (ginkgolic acid
Гинкго билоба Extr t
Ginkgo leaf extract producted in our factory is the active ingredients extracted from ginkgo leaves with advanced modern technology, its principal specifications consist in low acidity (ginkgolic acid
Гинкго билоба Extr t
Ginkgo leaf extract producted in our factory is the active ingredients extracted from ginkgo leaves with advanced modern technology, its principal specifications consist in low acidity (ginkgolic acid