Сиденья и коврики Kn
Seat & Knee (garden) mats1. The products all with soft cushion mat.2. The density from 16 to 30 degree.3. Available for planting and seating4. Some kind of mat to be stressed on one side or just with
Seat Матем
Seat mat (insert pu foam )1. The product which size is 36cm x 36cm x 50mm (th)2. The seating mat be available to sitting in stadium or exhibition..3. The product with inflatable item and could be prin
Шампуни и подушки Foam Hat
Shampoo & cushion hats1. Cushion hat to be produced with extensible foam sheet and adhesive with jersey fabric.2. Shampoo hat to be made by eva foam and stressed for wave style, the product available
Ski Binding
Ski binding and other velcro strips1. The wrap with pvc foam sheet and be sewed with magic tape2. Customer design could be printed on the top of the tape with one or more colors.3. Wrap strap around o
Сноуборд Пена листа
Snowboard foam sheet1. Snowboard sheet to be adhesive on board top, the special glue could be resisted in cold weather, so its available for the snow sport.2. Move the paper out and stick the eva foam
Руководящий Подушка Pad
Vent plug (bicycle helmet) & steering cushion for car1. The products to be made by heat-press action and to be available for the racing biker to fill up their hat hold.2. The products easy to take off
Плавательный Пена совет
Swimming board1. The products all with floating board, thickness is 30mm and with general style as our photo display.2. The board which density is 16 degree, the general body color all with bright col
Toe Pad и удобной обуви Маникюр
Toe Pads (foam stuff)1. Toe pad to be suitable for women to manicure fingernail.2. Assort colors to be choice3. Any size to be acceptable.
Yoga Mat
Yoga mat1. The pvc cushion mat available for exercise to seating and lying, special for yoga sporting.2. Standard size is:60cm x 170cm x 3.5 mm (th)3. Minimum order with 2000 pcs.