Организатор Monosilicate
15% sio2,85% pbo composition, which is approximately the eutectic mixture of lead orthosilicate(2pbosio2) and lead metasilicate( pbosio2), melts at 725-775c and is free from uncombined lead oxides and
Pbo. Mol. Wt.223; sp. Gr.9.3-9.7;m. P.888c insoluble in water but soluble in alkalies, certain acids and some chloride solutions. Litharge may be made eigther in the yellow orthorhombic or red tetrago
Хлорид магния гексагидрат
Magnesium chloride hexahydrateYellow flake and white flakeGood solubilityGood transparency after meltingMade of non-polluted sea waterSpecs provided upon request.
Pb3o4 mol. Wt.686; sp. Gr.9.0-9.2;Decomposes between 500-530 c. It is insoluble in water and is decomposed in some acids, leaving insoluble lead peroxide,Pbo2. It is formed when litharge is roasted wi
Стронция нитрат
STRONTIUM NITRATEPurity:99% minMoisture:0.5% maxCa:0.2% maxWater solubles:0.1% maxFe:0.02% maxFor firework and glass industry,Both of powder and granule are available.Remark: Strontium carbonate is th
WHITE POWDERMELTING POINT:178 C. DEG MINMOISTURE:0.4% MAXZINC CONTENT:10.5-11.5%ZBEC plays the same role as ZDBC does, but ZBEC is much superior to ZDBC in consideration of environmentalAnd personal p