G603, G636, G635, G684. We can provide you with some size(cut to size) and the big slab.2) Hard with excellent weather durability3) Popular colored, ideal building material4) Finishes: Polished, flame
G654,G611,G617,G655 ... We can provide you with some size(cut to size) and the big slab.2) Hard with excellent weather durability3) Popular colored, ideal building material4) Finishes: polished, flame
Frankly speaking, granite is full of great competitions in our factory and mine! All the above price is around $10/m2 FOB price.We have four biggest mine in North China, we can give you best for the f
Ganite of G664Our factory can supply our local granite of G664 at a very competitive price. Now, we are listing our dimension as follow:A. Usual dimensiion:300*300*20/30mm and 600*600*20/30mmB. Thin s
G681,G682,G688,G696,. We can provide you with some size(cut to size) and the big slab.2) Hard with excellent weather durability3) Popular colored, ideal building material4) Finishes: polished, flamed,