ПВХ A4 переплетная обложка
Were supplying quality PVC binding covers:1) of various thickness from 0. 125mm to 0. 28mm;2) in various sizes such as a4, f4, a3 etc.;3) of transparent, colored, frosted materials;To our customers al
Прозрачные ПВХ складные коробки
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a specialist in the manufacture of transparent PVC folding boxes, made with the best and clearest crystal PVC.The most important features of our transparent PV
Открытая упаковка ПВХ окна Пункты Cosmetic
1) Style: triangular shaped2) Material: 0.3mm superior grade PVC3) Size Meas. (LxWxH): 11.5cmx7.5cmx6.5cm4) Printing: 2-color silk-screen printing technique5) Workmanship: edge lock tabs
Прозрачный ПВХ ящик для цветов и растений
1) Style: pillow-pack variation box with carrying handle2) Material: 0.3mm crystal clear PVC3) Size Meas.-LxWxH): 10cmx5cmx9.5cm-handle: 3cm high4) Printed Logo: 1-color silk-screen printing technique
Матовый ПВХ окна сувениров
1) Style: trapezium box with display opening at front2) Material: 0. 3mm frosted PVC3) Size meas. : 21. 5cm high4) Printing: silk-screen printing technique5) Workmanship: interlocking closure at sides
Матовый ПВХ Box упаковка для игрушек
1) Style: folding box with display window2) Material: 0.4mm superior grade PVC frosted3) Size Meas.:-box (LxWxH): 10cmx3cmx16cm-display window (LxH): 6cmx10.3cm4) Workmanship: interlocking tabs at top
Упаковки с офсетной печатью Box для зубной щетки
1) Material: 0.3mm superior grade PVC2) Size Meas.:-LxWxH: 4.2cmx4.2cmx20cm-hanger: 3cm high3) Printing: offset printing technique4) Workmanship:-top: straight tuck with hanging panel-bottom: greenlea