Компактный хлопчатобумажной пряжи
We can offer you 100% Cotton Compact Weaving Yarns ranging from 30s to 120s made from Pima, Giza and Australian cotton.Feel free to contact us regarding any query.
Хлопковой пряжи
We are in the position to supply following Counts for Cotton Yarn:6 Ne8 Ne10 Ne12 Ne16 Ne20 Ne22 Ne26 Ne30 Ne32 Ne36 Ne40 NeAll yarns in Single and Double. If you have any query please do not hesitate
CVC нити
We can offer you CVC (chief value cotton) yarns from Pakistan as per your requiremetns in blend of 52:48 or 65:35 in carded or combed for kntg as well as wvg.Count ranges: Ne 10s to Ne 40sAlso availab
Суровую ткань
We are exporters of grey fabrics from Pakistan. Please feel free to contact us with your requirements.
Ne 50s гребенная пряжа
We can offer Ne 50s CMD WVG or KTNG Yarn from Pakistan at competative prices in Brazilian Cotton, Indian Cotton, CIS Cotton, Pima Cotton and African CottonPlease feel free to contact us with your requ
Open End Пряжа
We are exporters of 100% OE Yarns from Pakistan. If you have any requirement, please contact us with your requirements.
Пряжа из органического хлопка
We can offer 100% Organic cotton yarns with SKAL certificate. Please feel free to contact us with your requirements.
PC Пряжа
We can offer Poly Cotton blend yarns from Pakistan in Carded and Combed for WVG as well as KNTG. Please contact us if any requirement. We can offer from 10s to 40s.Feel free to contact us if any requi