Super design for that touch control Acupuncture magnetic diode laser.Irradiating handle for so many treatmentsAnd so called "laser needle", for acupuncture and pain relieve management In physical therapy OR heilpraktiker.CE medical.
High quality functions units with latest features. Taiwan electronic for no after sales troubles, easy to transport. Low prices.We also manufacture: Barber chairs, styling chairs, shampoo chair, stool
High quality crystal styling chair, confortable and easy to transport.We also manufacture: Barber chairs, shampoo chairs, stools, master chairs,Displays for cosmetics, book stand,Trolleys, waiting cha
Incredible innovation of Diode laser associated with ipl Hair removal for many skin treatments.Nanotechnology is latest technology for ipl. Associating far advanced gem of germany with chips of asia.
Unique ipl yag hair removal with unique functions of: Weight loss, breast ehancing, skin analyzing. . .And also photorejuvenation, anti acne,Depigment. . . And so many due to yag.We also manufacture:
Jade massager-----------handheldJade is known for 2000years for his big healments on human diseases.Ideal for home use. Tyemperature adjustment.CE approval.
Unique and far advanced low priveMini ipl in world.*no more pain*adjustment of wavelength by electronic* large wavelength band:420 to 1200nm* more treatment* 8 hours continuous use* super low price.%-