The natural burls and tree warts are keeping the aboriginal features of nature cedar / china fir wood roots, which has the aromatic and fragrance full of your house.
It is a natural wooden product too made by hands only, and the only difference between wooden basket and bowl is handle, and also we use the selected wood to make it, there are a variety of specificat
It is a natural product, which is a real handicraft with kiln drying, they are finished by hands and simple tools, and it is a whole piece of redwood roots, not input and inlay, so it keeps the aborig
It is a really natural wooden product made by hands only, and it is so beautiful that we use the selected wood head with burl and woodknob, no insert and no fabricated, so it is the masterpiece of our
The natural wooden product made by hands are acceptable by the world, and they are used in every direction. We selected the good raw materials to make it, so it is beautiful, and it is a honor of our